265 Franklin Street, Suite 1702, Boston, MA 02110


Culture of Fear in Advertising

In recent years some of the larger corporate service companies have engaged in substantial acquisitions, adding a wide variety of services to their repertoire in addition to standard corporate filing and Registered Agent services. Some of these companies now provide escrow services, outside director services and all manner of IP brand monitoring and protection, among other areas of service.

In the never-ending quest to increase their revenue, they have engaged in aggressive marketing campaigns to promote traditional paralegal work for areas that cover entity maintenance, foreign registrations and licensing. Fear-inducing marketing emails by the dozens barrage their clients and prospects warning them about failing to properly license their business, and falling out of good standing. These email “attacks” arrive at an alarming rate and cause concerns about keeping up with state requirements that change seemingly every hour.

While it’s true that what you don’t know can sometimes hurt you, one simply fact is this:  partnering with an experienced paralegal colleague is the easiest and most cost-effective way to maintain any entity portfolio. We have day-to-day experience in organizing entities, maintaining corporate records, filing, licensing and merging in every jurisdiction, participating in major transactions, and winding down and dissolution of every type of entity imaginable.

This means that on a daily basis we see and do just about all there is to do with all types of business entities. Registering for tax purposes, handling employee issues, licensing, interfacing with state and federal agencies, and foreign-qualification or withdrawal are easily in our wheelhouse. We know and understand clearly what is urgent, what is important and the difference between the two.

If you have concerns about what actions your business entities need to take, and are unsure what are the most important steps to take, ignore the hype and look to an experienced paralegal colleague for help. We can answer your questions and guide you in the right direction for your specific situation.

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